TerraSystemics offers specialised consultancy services and solutions primarily the in the interface between environment, energy and climate change in the context of development.
Working with an interdisciplinary group of associates and partners with expertise in development economics, public policy and institutional reform, and environmental management, we can provide a range of consultancy services to cover the economic, social and institutional base of the international sustainable development agenda. TerraSystemics is registered in consultancy databases of AfDB, UNDP, SIDA and other leading international development organisations. |
Spotlight on capacity building in climate mainstreamingMainstreaming (or integrating) climate change in planning and decision-making processes is crucial to ensure climate change adaptation and poverty reduction are implemented hand-in-hand. This approach involves taking into account risks and opportunities while putting in place adaptation measures that are attuned to the long-term vision of development.
A project funded by the Government of Spain designed and implemented such a process for mainstreaming climate change in five countries: Cape Verde, Colombia, El Salvador, Malawi, and Nicaragua. This publication describes the six-step process to assist non-climate experts in UN Country Teams to apply mainstreaming in their national context. The Guide proposes a set of best practices and identifies crucial issues to consider. TerraSystemics participated in the fine-tuning of the climate risk assessment tool, and in the preparation of this UNDP Training Guide for UNDP offices and project managers. |
The training Guide is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish
TerraSystemics supports entrepreneurial groups, Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) and industry create value and optimize processes, in particular through innovation, energy optimization, and green business.
From needs assessment in the areas of product quality improvement and production process for the Agro-Industry and Eco-Tourism clusters of Guinea Bissau, to supporting EDP (Energias de Portugal) Innovation to promote, implement and evaluate business plans in its EDP Innovation Prize in CleanTech, TerraSystemics has been assisting enterprise directly, or indirectly through international institutions, in Europe and Africa.
A successful company is an energy efficient company. Optimizing energy consumption, ensuring the adequate maintenance of equipment and taking advantage of locally available energy supplies are all important to reduce the energy related elements of any company ́s operational cost structure. But the benefits go far beyond cost-cutting. Enhanced competitiveness, improved independence from utilities, security of energy supply and motivated personnel are just some of the advantages that energy-savvy business managers can reap. This is in particular the case for small and medium enterprises, whether in the services sector or transformation industries. And while the speci c energy context will differ from country to country, the core elements of energy ef ciency management are universal. "Energy Efficient Management for Successful SMEs: A Guide for Business Managers" introduces the principal aspects of energy efficiency management, including both perspectives of energy use as well as self-supply, directed towards SME owners and managers in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. It was written by TerraSystemics for CDE - Centre for Development of Enterprise, joint institution of the ACP Group of States and the European Union (EU). |